Students in grades 3 through 5 at Thomas Jefferson Elementary may participate in various activities outside the normal school day. Tryouts are held throughout the year for cross country (August), cheerleading (girls/October, boys/January) basketball (girls/October, boys/January), wrestling (March), track (April) and volleyball (April).
Other activities/clubs include ambassadors, academic team, robotics, and Rube Goldberg. Please read the monthly newsletter for information about upcoming sports, clubs and enrichment opportunities.
Transportation: It is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation home for students participating in after-school activities. Students should be picked up promptly at the times indicated by the sponsor or coach.
Click here to access the Elementary homepage, which includes the elementary athletics handbook. Click the link below to access Final Forms.
Children must attend school a minimum of one-half day (a minimum of 3 hours and 15 minutes of the school day) to attend or participate in extra-curricular activities (e.g., athletic events, programs) on that day. Children sent home by the Health Office will not be allowed to participate in activities scheduled for that day.
All home basketball games will begin at 4:45 p.m. In order for students to attend the games, the parents will need to bring their child to the game. We will not have supervision at school between 3:35 p.m. and the start of the game. Parents are asked to remain with their children during the basketball game. The basketball games are not drop off events, children will not be permitted to stay without a parent or guardian present.
Students who are failing a major academic subject may be placed on probation from an extra-curricular event. In some cases they may need to be dropped from one event. Coaches work closely with the classroom teachers.